Underneath the Silver Starry Skies there is a young girl dreaming....

Sunday 5 January 2014

You know you're obsessed when....

Im not the best of writers but I love to read. I must admit, When I were younger I wasn't the most avid reader and now...Im obsessed! Im in the constant search of a new book to read and dive into the world, characters and stories of these books. I cry, laugh, fight and love with these characters. Im always sad when a good story ends. Do you experience this too? Don't even get me started on my wish list/To be read list (tbr)...seriously! This is when you know you're obsessed. 

I cannot promise to always do blog posts, I know all to well at attempting to start a blog and to put it out there for all to see. Anyhow, even if no one reads I think this will be a great place for me to talk about and look back on all the various books I may read, films I may watch and whatever else may tickle my fancy. 

Any advice and recommendations for blogs, books, films, authors etc are always welcome.



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